


James Bayne Fishing Tackle, 76 Main Street, Callender, FK17 8BD BROCHURE

Type - 4 star fishing shop Buisness

Price - As a whole - Offers Over £160,000

Address - 76 Main Street, Callender, FK17 8BD

To view please contact us on 01383 722454,

Email, out of hours phone Rod McCrae on 07711 561814.



County Cuddles Kennels & South Lodge House, Blairadam

Type - Kennels, Paddock & Lodge

Size - 2.1 in total

Price - As a whole fixed price £580,000

Address - County Cuddles Kennels & South Lodge House, Blairadam, Kelty, KY4 0JJ

To view please phone 01383 722454, email,

out of hours phone Rod McCrae on 07711 561814



Hedgehogs Nursery House & Garden Centre, Glenrothes

Type - Bungalow, portal framed sheds, greenhouses, office with total 4.20 acres of land

Price - As a whole - Offers Over £580,000

Address - Hedgehogs Nursery, Crompton Road, Southfield, Glenrothes, Fife, KY6 2SF

To view please contact us on 01383 722454,

Email, out of hours phone Rod McCrae on 07711 561814.